Present continuous. упражнения на отработку

Тест на present simple и present continuous (test)

Present Continuous упражнения с ответами

Упражнение 19

Переведите предложения, используя Present continuous tense

Я делаю домашнюю работу

Она ест яблоко

Ирина играет на гитаре

Том ведет автобус

Я гуляю

Он ждет автобус

Мы завтракаем

Она ведет машину

Я сейчас работаю

Альбина читает газету

Упражнение 20

Напишите вопрос и отрицание к предложению

They are having launch

She is doing housework

He is having a shower

They are playing football

Dog is barking

Masha is reading magazines

Marina is wearing skirts

They are visiting their parents

Kris is working

She is sitting on a sofa

Упражнение 21

Образуйте специальный вопрос к предложению

My friends are doing housework (what)

He is going to a shop (where)

She is cooking a cake (what)

She is waiting for a bus (what)

Anna is wearing trousers (what)

Masha is walking in a park (where)

You are waiting for her (who)

They are eating bananas (what)

Mark is driving a car (what)

You are watching TV (what)

Упражнение 22

Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в форме Present

play, wear, use, get up, have, dance, read,
watch, go, wait

They ___ dinner

They ___ early

Anna ___ the piano

He ___ TV

She ___ for a bus

Larisa ___ not ___ books

She ___ laptop

I ___ to the gym

She ___ on a scene

___ you ___ a watch?

Упражнение 23

Допишите окончание -ing глаголу











Упражнение 24

Дайте краткий положительный и отрицательный ответы на
заданный вопрос

Are you reading?

Is she going to a shop?

Are they playing?

Is Anna crying?

Are Mark and Tom waiting for a bus?

Is he working now?

Is Marina having a shower?

Are children doing housework?

Are you listening to music?

Are they dancing?

Тест — грамматика Present Continuous

Итак, приступаем к прохождению теста и сначала мы начнем с проверки знаний грамматики этого времени.

Пройдите тест для начального уровня, в конце проверьте свои ответы, если были ошибки, вы всегда сможете этот тест повторить.

Задание 1-1.

Заполните пробелы в предложениях, напишите am, is или are.

1. Sue playing volleyball with Tom.

2. My mother washing the dishes.

3. My father reading а book.

4. We watching TV.

5. My brother sleeping.

6. They listening to music.

7. We doing our homework.

8. The pupils going fishing.

9. I reading comics.

10. She cleaning the house.

Задание 1-2.

Раскройте скобки, заполните пробелы в предложениях Continuous Tense.

1. My father (wash) his car. My brother (help) him.

2. We (wait) for the teacher. She (talk) to a man.

3. The Kids (play) outside. I (read) newspaper.

4. We (train) to be more healthy.

5. My friends (wait) for me to go to the park.

6. We (do) the shopping for the guests.

7. My daughter (wash ) her hair.

8. The children (make) too much noise.

Задание 1-3.

Выберете правильный ответ.

1. We arewas having dinner.

2. She areis brushing his teeth.

3. My parents isare going to cinema.

4. Timmy isare sitting on the dentist’s chair.

5. Children isare running.

6. The policemen areis waiting behind the red car.

7. The twins areis playing football.

8. The waiter areis serving the dinner.

Задание 1-4.

Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательные.

1. My brother is picking up flowers. — .

2. Julia is saving some money to buy a laptop. — .

3. My mother is drinking coffee. — .

4. We are dancing at the party. — .

5. The guests are having fun at the party. — .

6. My little duck is swimming in the pool. — .

7. I am combing my hair before going to bed. — .

Задание 1-5.

Переделайте предложения в вопросы.

1. The thieves are running away. — ?

2. The policemen are chasing the thieves. — ?

3. They are building a new bridge. — ??

4. My sister is decorating the саке. — ?

5. The people are laughing. — ?

6. She is planting a tree. — ?

Present continuous exercises. Ответы.

Exercise 1.

1 working, eating, cleaning, doing, waiting, looking, walking, playing, climbing, singing, skiing

2 swimming, sitting, stopping, running, jogging, skipping, hopping, getting

3 smoking, shining, writing, coming, dancing, making, riding

4 lying

Exercise 2.






















 Exercise 3.

  1. Are / is / is / are / am /are /are
  2. 1 are, 2 is, 3 are, 4 is, 5 am

Exercise 4.

1 feeding, 2 doing, 3 walking, 4 washing, 5 playing

Exercise 7.

1 reading, 2 playing, 3 riding, 4 swimming, 5 sitting , 6 taking, 7 standing, 8 making, 9 running

Exercise 9.

  1. 1 is reading, 2 are watching, 3 is playing, 4 are drinking

Exercise 10.

1 Are you looking, 2 is he studying, 3 is it getting, 4 am going, 5 is not raining, 6 is studying

Exercise 12.

1 Is closing, 2  is … hopping, 3 are helping, 4 are … doing, 5 are planting

Надеюсь, вам понравились предложенные Present Continuous упражнения.

Работа с текстами

Прочитайте внимательно рассказ о Марии и ее семье.

It’s a rainy Saturday. It’s raining a lot and Mary and her family are spending the afternoon at home. Her uncles are visiting them.

Mary and her father are in the living room. Mary is making a draw and her father, Mr.Hgrrjg-, is surfing the net. They are also talking.

Mary’s older brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fanatic and he spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim is also in the living room. He is playing with his dinosaurs’ collection. Sometimes he teases Mary, he is a really naughty boy.

Mary’s mother, Mrs. Harris, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of them. She is making some tea and talking to Mary’s uncles — Lucy and Tom. They are from the nearest town and stopped by to say hello. Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping on the kitchen’s sofa. We can’t see him in the picture, but he is a true fluffy cat.

Надеемся, что внимательно прочли текст о семье Марии.

Задание 2-1.

Теперь прочитайте вопросы и ответьте правда или неправда — True or False.

1. It’s a rainy Sunday. — TrueFalse

2. Mary and her father are in the living room. — TrueFalse

3. She is watching television. — TrueFalse

4. Mary’s father is making tea. — TrueFalse

5. Peter is reading a book. — TrueFalse

6. Jim is in his bedroom. — TrueFalse

7. Mary’s uncles are sleeping in the guest room. — TrueFalse

8. Fluffy is playing with its ball. — TrueFalse

Продолжаем работать с текстами. Для выполнения этого упражнения потребуются знания английского на более высоком уровне. Ниже дан отрывок из записей Анны о ее поездке в Прагу, прочитайте их внимательно.

Выполните задание к записям Анны.

Задание 2-2.

Напишите вопросы к записям Анны, в вопросах используйте время Present Continuous. Например: «To Prague.» — Where is Anna going?

1. «On Monday 21 March.» — ?

2. «At 10.35 am.» — ?

3. «From Heathrow Airport.» — ?

4. «At the Hotel Maximilian.» — ?

5. «For three nights.» — ?

6. «On Thursday 24 March.» — ?

7. «On Tuesday morning.» — ?

8. «Having dinner with Rosa.» — ?

На этом все, надеемся, что наши тесты смогли показать насколько вы усвоили грамматику времени английского языка Present Continuous. Учите английский язык. Удачи!

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